BuildGreen report: Over 12,000 new homes from Romania ‘green’ certified
Over 12,000 dwellings from new residential projects in Romania have been certified as being ‘green’, according to BuildGreen’s analytics.
Over 12,000 dwellings from new residential projects in Romania have been certified as being ‘green’, according to BuildGreen’s analytics.
Forbes Romania invited the Romanian business community to answer the most critical questions of the moment in the #reinventarearomaniei editorial project.
2019 was the best year for the sustainable certifications segment in Romania, according to the data centralized by BuildGreen.
Portland Trust received BREEAM Outstanding certification for Expo Business Park, developed in 2019.
Over 250 buildings and real estate projects from Romania were certified as ‘green buildings’ after one of the international sustainable schemes.
Such a great achievement! BuildGreen was the LEED consultant for the new Arctic factory that opened recently in Romania.
Even though most new class A office space projects in Romania are LEED or BREEAM-certified Core & Shell, there are often significant problems.
Razvan supervised from his position the BREEAM certification process of over 120 real estate and industrial projects from several countries in CEE.
BuildGreen, the leading consultant in the field of sustainable building design, development and certification in Romania, joins forces with green gain, one of the leading BREEAM consultants in the Czech Republic.
BuildGreen assisted Globalworth in obtaining the BREEAM certification and also the first EDGE sustainable certification in Romania for the new Renault headquarters in Bucharest.
Next year could bring a series of significant changes to the Romanian real estate market, 2019 being thus a year of transformation.
Razvan Nica, managing director of BuildGreen, was awarded by BUSINESS Magazin as one of the top 10 young managers in Romania.
The differences between green certifications of buildings and home appliances will fade in time”, said Razvan Nica, the owner of Buildgreen in an interview with BR.
More than 40 real estate projects, both new and existing, were sustainably certified in Romania in 2017, according to BuildGreen, the leader of sustainable buildings in Romania.
Timpuri Noi Square office project, developed in Bucharest by Vastint Romania, obtained LEED Platinum sustainable certification, the highest level of certification for the LEED scheme in Romania.
A number of over 15 large-scale real estate projects have been completed in Romania over the last 18 months and all benefit from sustainable certification, whether it is BREEAM
The Bridge office project, developed in Bucharest by Forte Partners, obtained the LEED sustainable certification with a Platinum score, the highest level of certification for a LEED project in Romania.
Stefan Cel Mare Building, an office project owned by Forte Partners, which was assisted by BuildGreen in receiving the BREEAM Excellent certification, was awarded with The American Architecture Prize 2017.
BuildGreen, Romania’s leading development, design and green building certification company, exceeded three million square meters assisted for sustainable certification.
A green building consumes up to 20% fewer resources, both energy and water, and offers enhanced comfort through passive efficiency solutions such as natural lighting and ventilation.